Friday, July 31, 2015

Home made decaf coffee

Making your own coffee blend is just like any other unwritten family recipe, thought and learned through daily life of preparing food and beverage. A mother would showed their daughter how to picked, clean then roasted the coffee bean until finally the beans and the filler which usually consist of roasted rice, corn and coconut had to be ground using the mortar.
In my family we have our personal favorite blends and today lucky for me my auntie running out her coffee stock.
So let's go to her Porch! 
(This is her,already roasting the filler which are rice and coconut flakes)

The measurement for her is 1 kg of whole robusta coffee beans, 2 kilos of rice and 2 medium coconut chopped. The recipe for making this homemade decaf coffee is as personal as its gets, my auntie Lusi is the heavy coffee drinker on the mild side meaning she used more filler to the coffee beans.lets check her recipe shall we !
First She washed the dried whole coffee beans
Chopped the coconut into small cubes 
She mixed the coconut and the uncooked rice inside the wok and roasted them in open fire, constantly stirring them to even out the roasting process.
After about 35-45 minutes the rice and coconut mixture starting to turn black almost burn.
This is the final stage of the filler roasting 
Then she roasted the coffee bean just like the fillers.
After almost 1 hour of constantly stirring the coffee start to roasted evenly almost charcoal looking, the fragrant was so enticing it's bring the neighbor by, as she sits and stirred the coffee In front of her porch the few of the neighbor start to gather and exchanging jokes talking about their kids, the recipe and exchanging knowledge just about anything. This is my favorite part having casual conversation and bonding between family and friends.
Even my four years old eager to learn how to ground the coffee using the mortar! I'm on my way to handing him the family recipe ! So stoke about that ! 
After all the ingredient are ready the next . 
And let the pounding begin! The consistency of the coffee also very personal, I like mine coarse and my auntie likes her to be medium grind. To achieve medium even finer grind we have to shift the coffee mixture in between the grounding process 
My personal favorite consistency, very course, I love the bits of coffee grains floating about my cup.
I love the challenge of shorting out the coffee bits before I took a sip, or bitting and chewing a few persistence bit that refused to stay in the cup. 
Nothing better than a fresh cup of homemade decaf coffee in the middle of the day, while we all sit back, gossiping about the soap opera, or what to cook the next day or just a trying to reminiscing the day past.

Melani key 

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